
Grace - Mandy Capristo

Fluss der Zeit:

        还是忍不住再发一首歌。Mandy Capristo 《Grace》。

        Mandy的声音并没有很大的技巧性,但是她的声音一响起,你会明白自己被抓住了,被牵引了。是我喜欢的略带低沉的女中音,仿佛能使整个世界宁静下来。对,这首Grace要求环境的绝对安静,而它回报给人的也是一种奇妙的宁静,就像夜晚一个人漫步于巴黎的一条小巷,有古式的街灯,有未打烊的酒吧门口的侍者,街头巷尾的一对对情意正浓或者争执不休的情人们,还有偶尔从远处的大街传来的汽车驶过的声音。夜色是温柔的,仿佛安慰一个感情失意者的心。this is my grace。




This one is dedicated to you
It's an honor, a pleasure, a joy
A dream come true
Yes, I appreciate you
And I'm so truly grateful
I know that I am blessed
Because unconditionally
And unselfishly
You have loved me

This is my grace
I humbly give thanks
Good favor, good will
And may peace be unto you
This is my grace
Be blessed with God's grace
Whole-heartedly I say...
Thank you, I love you

To my one and onlybig brother
I believe and I look up to you
will always be here and there for
With you I would fight and turn our pages of life
Your sister's by your side
Because unconditionally
And unselfishly
You have loved me

This is my grace
I humbly give thanks
Good favor, good will
And may peace be unto you
This is my grace
Be blessed with God's grace
Whole-heartedly I say...

Mama, dear mother
I strive to be like you
lovin', carin', faithful, intelligent, strong,
You're beautiful to me, you're flawless
Thanks for the words you said, and now
I'm singing for you
Anche per te, caro padre mio
Davanti a tutti, e davanti a Dio
Grazie di cuore, per tutto quell' che hai fatto per me
Mi hai fatto grande, mi hai fatto fiera
Questo mio sogno e la mia vita vera
Non ho paura, perché sono la bambina tua
Grazia per voi, grazia per noi
Questa bella melodia, e dedicata alla famiglia mia

This is my grace
I humbly give thanks
Good favor, good will
And may peace be unto you peace be unto
This is my grace
Be blessed with God's grace
Whole-heartedly I say...
Thank you, I love you

